A babysitter was left feeling “uncomfortable and confused” after being reprimanded by the parents for eating some of the dinner she was supposed to serve to the kids.

The 20-year-old woman had been given money to order a family-sized cheese pizza and breadsticks while she looked after two boys, aged seven and ten. Believing it was customary for babysitters to have a reasonable portion of the meal when expected to serve dinner, she had two slices of pizza and one breadstick. However, this did not go over well with the parents.

The babysitter explained her situation on Reddit, noting that she had babysat for this couple several times before without any issues. She wrote, “I’ve always been under the impression that the babysitter is allowed to have a reasonable amount of dinner if expected to serve dinner.” This assumption led her to eat a small portion of the pizza and breadsticks she ordered for the kids.

The parents, upon discovering this, were not pleased and expressed their disapproval. They felt that the food was meant solely for their children and that the babysitter should not have eaten any of it. The babysitter was taken aback by their reaction, as she had never encountered such a problem in her previous babysitting jobs.

In her Reddit post, she sought advice from the community, explaining that she felt awkward and unsure about whether she had done something wrong. Many users sympathized with her, sharing similar experiences and expressing their belief that it is generally acceptable for babysitters to have a small portion of the meal they are serving.

One user commented, “It’s common courtesy to allow the babysitter to have some food, especially if they are there during dinner time.” Another added, “If the parents didn’t want you to eat any of the food, they should have made that clear beforehand.”

Despite the support she received online, the babysitter remained uncertain about how to handle the situation with the parents. She didn’t want to damage the relationship or lose future babysitting opportunities but also felt that their reaction was unjustified.

The incident highlights the importance of clear communication between parents and babysitters regarding expectations, especially concerning meals and other provisions. It serves as a reminder that what may seem like common sense to one person might not be perceived the same way by others.

Ultimately, the babysitter’s experience sheds light on the occasional misunderstandings that can arise in caregiving situations. It underscores the need for open discussions about boundaries and expectations to ensure a positive and comfortable environment for both the babysitter and the family.

As the discussion on Reddit continued, more users weighed in, reinforcing the idea that clear guidelines and open communication are crucial in avoiding such misunderstandings in the future. The babysitter appreciated the feedback and decided to discuss the matter with the parents to clarify any expectations for future babysitting sessions.