A man faced backlash after telling his girlfriend she wasn’t worth a $10,000 engagement ring. The Reddit user, who goes by ‘Dry-Body-7578,’ shared his dilemma on the popular subreddit ‘Am I The A******,’ asking if he was wrong for not wanting to buy an expensive engagement ring for his girlfriend.

Both 26 years old, the couple has been together for four years. The man explained that they have always been on the same page about saving money, and he assumed his girlfriend would be fine with a more affordable ring. He mentioned that he was looking at rings priced between $1,500 and $1,800, but his girlfriend insisted on a real diamond ring within the $6,500 to $10,000 range.

Despite his girlfriend growing up relatively well-off, the man described her as low-maintenance. She never cared about designer brands, rarely bought new clothes, and most of her jewelry was gifted to her. Earning an $80,000 annual salary, he had been saving for a while and found that moissanite rings, which look similar to diamonds but are more affordable, seemed like a good option. However, his girlfriend was not pleased with this suggestion.

The couple had a significant argument over the matter. He thought it was unreasonable to spend that much on a ring and told her she wasn’t worth a $10,000 ring. His girlfriend felt hurt and accused him of being cheap, pointing out that he could afford it and implying that he didn’t value her enough. Although she eventually said he should buy whatever ring he wanted, it was clear she was still upset, and he anticipated ongoing tension over the issue.

Seeking another perspective, the man talked to his older sister, who agreed that diamond rings were overpriced but ultimately sided with his girlfriend. She pointed out that his girlfriend had done a lot for him and suggested that, since he could afford it, he should consider her feelings. She also called him an ‘a******’ for his stance.

To provide more context, the man shared that his girlfriend had been incredibly supportive when he was in a serious car accident four years ago. During his recovery, he couldn’t work, and she let him move in with her rent-free, helped pay for expenses, and assisted him in getting a job with her uncle. Despite his gratitude, he didn’t feel obligated to buy an expensive ring just because she had helped him in the past. Still, he acknowledged that his girlfriend might feel otherwise, especially given his sister’s reaction.

The post received over 12,000 votes and 4,200 mixed comments, with many users labeling him as the ‘a******.’ One commenter noted, “YTA. She is typically low maintenance and agreeable. She supported you and stepped up when you needed her without complaint.”

Realizing the impact of his post, the man added an edit: “This post got way more attention than I expected. I’ve definitely reconsidered my stance. I’m going to talk about this more with her. Thanks for all your help.”

In the end, the situation highlights the importance of communication and understanding in relationships, especially when it comes to significant milestones like engagement.